Friday, February 5, 2010


Benjamin Eisenhard

Media & Culture

Week 5 Pres. Obama


1. TRIUNE BRAIN: First of all, PRESIDENT OBAMA starts off by being polite, with a lot of thank yous, so he kind of lewers me in to paying attention to his speech. Also he stands very sturdy and shows great posture like any leader should. He looks energetic as if he is really sincere and has been doing alot of work. There is much press at the speech taking photos and making the event look really official. I think this is how he gains the viewers attention.

2. EIGHT TRENDS: OBAMA focuses on the economic, political, discursive, and culture shift in his speech. He speaks about rebuilding the economy by developing new jobs, and mentions he wants America to be the best country in the world. OBAMA also tells about his meeting with other world leaders and ways they are going to work together to develop new trades between each other.

3. SEVEN PRINCIPLES: The president use facts and statistics to explain what has been accomplished and what he is planning on doing to help further the country. He also tells story of scenarios that have happen with peoples lives, about the loss of employment and about programs that have been created to build business and create more jobs. He speaks of letters he has read from people of the country and there difficult times in this modern economic disaster, creating an emotional tye to the current situation the United States is in.


1. REPETITION - Repeatedly saying that he will make things better, by creating new jobs and rebuilding of the economy.

2. DIVERSION - He speaks about saving a 1000 jobs here and there, so he is bringing the idea of hope, like his slogan, to peoples minds that there will be a recovery in the current economical slope, when you know that 1000 jobs, is like a needle in haystack.

4. DENIAL - The fact he tries to use the tiny bit of employment improvement to be a huge success.

5. PLAIN FOLKS - He speaks of all the improvements made in the middle class, and focuses much of speech on them.

6. HUMOR - A few times in his speech he is laughing and smiling to try and make the viewers feel at ease, instead of keeping them focused on what little improvements that have been made.

7. BANDWAGON - I feel that OBAMA is on the band wagon of foreign countries when he talks about making a high speed rail system in the United States, the public transportation has been at a lost for years, so jumping on the train idea sound like a pipe dream.

5. IYOW OBAMA’S THESIS: What I gathered from the speech is that the president is pushing the idea that there has been a great deal of improvement since he has taken office. He wants to improve America and will not except defeat and that we should be the best #1 country in the world, and that is what he working on. He is also working on getting smaller business the loans and equipment necessary to function, even though the banks are not lending.

6. 3 FACTS OF THESIS: There have been new jobs created and old jobs have been saved, which he backs up with a few facts and stories. He also talks about the high-speed trains in other countries and says, “Why should America not have the fastest train?”, and explains if we build the train system that this will improve the country by creating new jobs and revenue. Then he talks about the meetings he had with small business owners and the problems they are facing in the current economy, and he promises that he will help by getting the banks to loan, so that the small business can succeed.


1 comment:

  1. Ben,

    This is GOOD work here. You are learning how to play with our power tools in earnest - bravo!

    Some suggestions for EXCELLENCE:

    1. Figure out how to EMBED your video/photo texts here - very important. I know you are struggling here...let's sit down during my office hours with your laptop, if we need to.

    2. Push the envelope more with our 8 TRENDS - talk about the SHIFT FROM/TO - what does it mean, for example, that you can watch Mr. O's SOTU speech on YouTube?

    Go for it, as we move forward -

    Dr. W
